Mente sana cuerpo sano

Terapia de campos magneticos para la salúd emocional.

La razón que nos sentimos de una manera, hacemos algo que no queremos o reaccionamos en una forma que no es benéfica para nosotros no es por falta de control o voluntad sino por los programas subconscientes que nos manipulan.

I often use the example of a super computer. It does not matter how big and powerful it is; if the software running it is not right, it will be throwing erroneous results.

Nothing in our human experience happens without a biological program. The intelligence of the human body is beyond what any super computer can do.

The latest research by Prof. Dr. Markus Diesmann, INM-6, IAS-6, Jülich Research Centre demonstrated that one of the most powerful supercomputers ever developed, bigger than the average American house, and worth almost $400 million took 40 minutes to accomplish what 1{653debdee9e20f1d3e65c04bb348a6440b87a9307e16cb969fca64a71ac76bd5} of the human mind does in 1 second.

We only must modify the programs within us to start experiencing life in a completely different way – the way we always hoped was possible.

Our mind is in each cell…

We were taught that the mind was only in the brain, but now we know that a big part of the mind is the innate intelligence of life within each cell – which is composed of every biological memory and instruction contained within our DNA.

This gives us the ability to process information according to the instructions acquired through years of emotional experiences. These instructions determine the present reactions, sensations, emotions, and thoughts that we experience.

The fact that the root of everything we experience in life is brought by our DNA does not mean we are victims of it. If epigenetics has taught us something, it is the ability to modify our own generic markers. You may ask, “How?” By liberating the emotions that created that biological instruction.

Everything that happens in the mind is the result of the sum of past experiences, but we are not destined to be victims of the past. We can transcend the past experiences and reprogram our biology to accomplish the desired mental outcome.

To be truly alive is to live your present potential, not to be caught in the cycle of past experiences.


Now science is finally catching up, understanding that depression and anxiety are related to the health of our gut, the micro-biome of our gut will determine many aspects of our thinking process. For this we use the most advanced technique called MicrobioEnergetics.

MicrobioEnergetics gives us a deep understanding of the Energy, Emotions and Symbolic Codes behind Microbes, which support our emotional state and help us evolve, while resonating and supporting our own information. It involves the profound understanding of how Microbes are in a relationship with us, affecting us at all levels of our existence and evolution, and directly connected to our emotional state.

Why do we get sick?

Why does an individual attract certain Microbes and not others?

In which exact moment is an energy conflict created, leading to a biological conflict that attracts the specific Microbe supporting the information?

We use different methods depending on the issues involved.

At Holistic Within, we rely on a variety of very specific protocols for different emotional conflicts to help us regain and achieve physical and mental health. Energy and Microbiome Medicine, DNA information, Epigenetics, Human Genome, Metabolomics, Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Bioenergetics and the Bio-magnetic resonance within our bodies are at the core of our emotional and physical state.

Microbes are our allies. They are here to teach us and help us overcome fears, traumas and other emotional issues. This allows us to attain a balanced and healthy body, mind and spirit. They help us evolve; it is all a matter of defining who you truly are, and the rest takes care of itself.

Call me at (210) 906-0308 or complete the contact form below. Helping you recover would be my honor.