Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office?
22106 Red Sand Drive
San Antonio, TX 78264

We are located only 20 miles south of downtown, surrounded by nature in a calm and peaceful setting. It is the perfect environment for you to relax and dissolve your stress. For directions, call us: (210) 906-0308.
What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday – Friday 9 am – 6 pm and Saturday 9 am – 2 pm.
By appointment only.

How do I make an appointment?

Call/text (210) 906-0308 and leave a message with your information. Before the end of that day, we will contact you to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to determine if Holistic Therapy will be the right fit for you.

What if I need to cancel?

Life happens, and sometimes you may need to reschedule your appointment. For this, we ask you to call 24 hours prior to your appointment. If it is a last-minute cancellation, there is a $50 charge if the appointment is not rescheduled within a three-day period.

What forms of payment do you take?

We accept cash, check or credit cards. If you use credit/debit cards, there is a 3{653debdee9e20f1d3e65c04bb348a6440b87a9307e16cb969fca64a71ac76bd5} transaction fee that will be added to your bill.

Do you take insurance?

No, one of the most important things in holistic care is a client-centered experience, not one where an insurance company is determining your healing path. We have pride in our client-focused therapy and do not wish to engage in the dynamics of insurance companies which might not only require your file to be viewed by over 15 people, but your healing path chosen by someone not within your healing circle.

How long does it take?

The session lasts 1–1.5 hours. Usually one session per week is all it takes. The length of the treatment will depend on the goals to achieve. You are in control; the journey of health, wellness and self-discovery is yours. We can build a plan that fits your needs and desires.

Who can you work with?

Everybody! From newborn babies to people with “terminal illness.”

Bio-magnetic fields are always a part of biology; therefore, age, ethnicity, background or religion do not matter when it comes to health through bio-magnetic therapy.

Is therapy confidential?

Yes, we abide by a strong code of conduct, with the limitations that the law stipulates.

What should I expect at the first session?

From the first session, some magnets will be used to start the depolarization process. Likely, some emotions will be liberated. We will create the plan of action for the specific issues you wish to work with. Plan for the first session to be 1.5 hours long.

Is this therapy affordable?

Because we only live once, we should be living it in a manner that we make every second count. From this perspective, we cannot afford to not invest in ourselves.

True Happiness does not reside in possessions; it is the experiences that enrich our life.

What kind of problems can be helped with holistic biomagnetism?

Every aspect of life is interconnected with the state of our body-mind-spirit.

Do you prescribe medication?

No; no drugs are involved in this therapy.

What do I have to do in session?

Before each session, we talk for a little bit to see how things are going. Then you lay in a bed fully clothed while I scan with magnets the areas of conflict or the areas with emotional blockages. During this process, you may fall asleep or simply relax and enjoy the soothing background music and aromatherapy.

If I want to get the most out of therapy, what can I do to help?

After each session, I will give you some homework for you to do during the week. It might be some breathing exercises, spiritual awareness exercises, relaxation techniques, etc.

How do I know If your modality is right for me?

We can schedule an in-person free consultation so that you can decide after we talk in detail what the process is about and how it works.

Does the treatment have to involve spirituality?

For us spirituality is just a way of saying we want you to feel alive! There is no religion ideology involved in treatment, and we respect the level of spiritual engagement you desire.