
No se trata de fuerza de voluntad.

La razon por la que no nos podemos tener la salud fisica y emocional que queremos no es por que nos falta fuerza de voluntad,  La razon es que nuestro cuerpo tiene el programa subconsciente equivocado.

Las experiencias emocionales pueden transformar nuestro sistema biológico en una forma negativa y tóxica, te invito a probar esta modalidad terapeutica y que descubras tu inmensa capacidad de sanar.

Nosotros te podemos ayudar a recobrar tu salud!

Los programas emocionales de tu subconciente te pueden estar afectando .

Existen metaprogramas en nuestros genes que a veces heredamos de nuestros padres abuelos etc. y otros que fueron formados por nosotros mismos y estan operando en nuestro subconciente y es esto lo que muchas veces nos mantiene atrapados en esos ciclos que no nos permiten vivir plenamente.

La terapia del Codigo BioMagnetico  te ayuda a liberarte de esas cargas emocionales del pasado.

El Proceso de la terapia.

En las primeras sesiones trabajamos el equilibrio de la acidez y alcalinidad del cuerpo, despues de 3-4 sesiones comenzamos trabajando los conflictos emocionales que has vivido que no le han permitido al cuerpo sanar, y conforme vamos avanzando continuamos con los programas heredados, estos son conflicos emocionales que heredaste de tu arbol genealogico. 

Dependiendo de tu caso individual el proceso puede ser tan corto como 4 sesiones pero un tratamiento tipico es en promedio 3 meses. 

Why this therapy might be right for you?

We all have a bio-magnetic field that is directly related to the health of the body and to the state of our emotions. The challenge for us living in the 21st century is how to keep ourselves healthy in all areas of our lives when we are constantly bombarded by high levels of toxicity, pollution in the air we breathe, bad quality foods, high levels of stress, toxic relationships, etc.

Holistic bio-magnetism offers the most advanced therapy to help us rediscover life and live to the highest of our potentials.

For testimonials click here

About Me

My holistic healing journey started when everything in my life was going “great and according to plan.” Yet I was feeling that life was more of a struggle than a beautiful experience. Depression and anxiety would often control my days.

But then a miracle happened. The push I needed to truly experience life came when my first son was born and the diagnoses started to pile on – in laymen terms: profound deafness, partial blindness, and four brain malformations.

The prognosis was abysmal, to say the least. It was only when answers could not be found in western medicine that I had to start figuring out ways to change the predicted outcomes.

The more that I discovered the possibilities from using magnetic field therapies, the more I was convinced that this is my calling in life: to share it with whomever is ready to start living in the most meaningful, healthy and joyful way possible.

What felt like a “tragedy” for us at the beginning, turned out to be the beginning of the most amazing experience we could have ever imagined! My Son is now walking on his own, doing all the normal things a boy would do, reaching milestone after milestone, attending school, and enjoying life to the fullest.

I now know that true Life is not the sum of the past experiences, but the potential of the present.

Allow yourself to transform your present situation into the life-changing opportunity it has the potential to be.

What to Expect

The First Sessions

The treatment plan will depend on the needs of each client.

First, we establish the goals of the client. For example, if the goal is to work on depression, weight loss, and some hormonal imbalance, the treatment might consist of 10+ sessions. During these sessions, we will be working on the emotional trauma (Program) in the client’s DNA.

The programs are activating a protection mechanism that allows the mind to stay in survival mode, making you feel trapped in a certain emotion or situation.

As we find the emotions and free them, you will experience the changes brought by the liberation of old programming.

Holistic Life Coaching

If you are looking for long-term Holistic Life Coaching, we will explore your abilities, talents, and dreams. We can help you achieve your highest potential.

However, it will not be through forcing your ego to enter in “the race for greatness” that most people are running. Rather, it will be by freeing your heart from blockages that keep you from accomplishing such dreams. We can help you find your

Temporary Health Setback

If, on the other hand, you are going through a temporary health setback, we might have a short 4-6 session treatment. During these sessions, we can work on restoring the health of the body/mind simply by bringing the body to an alkaline state and thus allowing health to happen.

Chronic Illness

When dealing with chronic illnesses, you can experience changes immediately, although the complete reversal of such illness might require a long-term treatment.

If the client has been dealing with it for 20+ years, it might take 6-12 months to completely reverse it. This, of course, requires that the person has the energy and willingness to make the necessary life changes.

Call me at (210) 906-0308 or complete the contact form below. Helping you recover would be my honor.